May 28, 2020
Dr. Alex Gee shares his Facebook Live rant from a week that saw Amy Cooper's reaction to a Black man in the park and George Floyd's death from police violence. Dr. Gee gives an emotional response to these racially motivated incidents.
May 26, 2020
Dr. Alex Gee discusses the just released documentary, Justified Journey that follows the story of Dr. Gee's discovery of his ancestry. Just as the [Gee]nealogy podcast series exposed the shocking history of the Gee family, including slavery, slave owner's, and family secrets now revealed for the first time. This...
May 19, 2020
Dr. Alex Gee sits down for a return visit with his good friend Peter Ahn to share about the Asian-American experience during the COVID-19 crisis. Dr. Gee and Peter discuss connections between their cultures, how it has shaped them and their friendship, and shed light on racism in their communities. They want to help...
May 12, 2020
Dr. Alex Gee speaks with Jacquelyn Hunt and her son Julian about their relationship for a special Mother's Day episode. Jacquelyn and Julian share their amazing story together that began in prison. Don't miss this very personal story.
May 5, 2020
Dr. Alex Gee talks with Dr. Jamila Lyiscott about her inspiring perspectives on black culture and community. Dr. Lyiscott is a community engaged scholar, a nationally renowned speaker, author, and a spoken word artist. She serves as an Assistant Professor of Social Justice Education at the University of Massachusetts...